There are people who see traveling as their way out from their daily life, even they think that it must be a great blessing to travel all over the world everyday as their dream job. The other think that traveling is a waste of money and we should not spent money on something useless like that. These two kind of people do not show us whether we need to travel or not. the real question is whether we already have the perfect mindset & purpose to travel or not.
There are many purposes that makes people going somewhere new and leave their home. Some people want to explore new places, some people want to interact with locals, some people want to see the new culture, or even some people just want to swim in the new beaches. But the worst is, those who don't leave their home because they think He won't be happier out there than at home. For every people who wonder what the secret of the beautiful traveling moment, these are 5 facts about traveling and the lesson learned you may follow.
- popular advice might say to you that “Make sure you get a job doing what you love!” But the experienced people will agree that this is not the best advice. It is very common that many people want to have job as a traveler. You once might feel that the office you are working at is very boring & stressful, and then you fed up with those silly papers, and you are thinking about resigning from your office, travel the world, explore everywhere your feet direct you to go, and you believe that by doing it, you will get the fullest freedom.
Unfortunately, experienced people will tell you different, the best answer is: The right job is the job you love some days, can tolerate most days, and still pays the bills. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. You never know how hard they need to fight to get some sponsor for their tour. When they fail, they’ll have nothing to do for the rest weeks! Furthermore, if you get the sponsor, this money will be spent all for your travel expenditure, leaving only a little for your bill. Traveling a week to other areas will be different than if you do it the whole years. All you can see are problems everywhere. The journey starts tiring you on the 3rd week, you start to hate those strange foods (although the first week you felt excited for the unique taste), You start to hate those scammers around you, The air condition start disturbing you, which is too hot, too humid, or too cold for you, and maybe stomach and allergy problems that makes you miss your home a lot. The worst of all is, between those tiring journeys, you still should make the report of your journey. Indeed, nobody fall in love with their job every day. Sometimes it is exciting, sometimes it is demanding, but if that pay you enough and most of the time you simply enjoy your job, there’s nothing wrong with that. - Years go by in the blink of an eye. Travel more, see the world, Go to places which are interesting for you. This is an advice which seems backstabbing the first idea, but this is not! This advice doesn't tell you to change your job; instead you should travel often whatever you are doing. You will spend year by year in your business, and the last thing you remember, you already have two kids and rheumatics. Keep budget for traveling, and do travel as soon as it is collected. Travel nearby first, the new places that may change your point of view. Media will show you popular places and signature which is often visited by tourists or pre-weeding photos. These places are expensive and most of the time, you won't learn new local wisdom there. The locals there come only for business, selling you merchandises or offer you a ride, but won't open too much to you. Instead, go to wherever new which is still in your budget range, and interact with local and ask how's about their family. These experiences will lead you to travel addiction. It is one priceless experience in the world.
- Nobody ever dies wishing they had worked more. It is very important for you to set up the priority in your life. Working is important, but if you don’t prioritize family, friends, and experiences over your work, you will end up regretting things you have never done. There are many thing you can learn from your leisure time with your family and friends. You might see your husband/wife has more wrinkles on his/her face. You might find out that your friends have much less time than when they are still actively with you. Many other things, it is either you smile because you've learn a lot from your experience or knowing nothing other than your business.
- Appreciate the small things and to be present in the moment. In other words, count your blessing. It is very important to have big goal and focus on a purpose. But the most beautiful part of these hard efforts is not the goal itself. It is the process that makes the goal beautiful. Eagerness for gratification will make you stress, while there are still a lot of thing that could make you happy. When you try to become world’s richest man, you miss the warmth of the beaches. When you are trapped in traffic jam, you are too stressed to enjoy the season changing, or simply the moving cloud. Instead, why not appreciate every small moment? This temporary life should be spent gratefully while counting the blessing, since counting your problem won’t change anything. It is only burdening you.
- You know nothing about someone you meet for the first time. There are many generalizations for certain race, gender, age, and clothes. But you should not deduct something just from their background. You know nothing. When you meet new people, the only thing you know is you should learn something from them. That is the beauty of communication. It is a hard thing to do since the society often generalize you based on your background and resist yourself to do the same thing to other will hurt you a little bit. But you should remember that these generalizations are limiting their lives, and it is never be your problem. They won’t learn something from you as they block their mind to develop. But you know the secret. By opening yourself to learn from other without judging from their background, you will learn lessons of life, which are only appreciated by those who will get the best from their life.
Those are some core value you might find from traveling & appreciating what you have which you never realize. And I'm sorry to tell you that these secret wasn't created by those professional travelers or traveling related people which have a lot of experiences. It was asked to people who have a lot more experience. The points were answered by people aged more than 60 years old with question “What advice would you give to those who are half your age?” These are the advices which are more legit than even from the professionals!
Nice gan, thx u