
West Java, a Surface Note

Sunda land extend from the Sunda Strait in the West to the borders of Central Java in the east. It is a beautiful, mountainous place, with rich green valleys on volcanic peaks, with the touch ofold colonial style building in the capital city Bandung. The history of West Java is a story of trade, spices, and the rise and fall of powerful kingdoms. 

The native people are called Sundanese. Sundanese are friendly folks who value tradition. However in some big cities, like Bandung, the capital of West Java, other ethnic groups also common to be seen as well.

Many people visit Bandung, the capital of West Java province, to pamper their taste buds. You'll be amazed with what Bandung has to offer. From various food sold on street vendors to haute cuisine, every visitor will be able to find something to their liking here, in Bandung.


Jakarta-Puncak-Bandung-Lembang, the visitor routes

Puncak Pass is one of interesting destination in the West Java Province. It is located in the south of Jakarta and can be reached by an hour journey. Puncak is an ideal place for weekend, as well as a good location to find a fresh mountain air. Besides, many attractions can be found nearby, such as the Bogor and Cibodas Botanical Gardens; the Gede Pangrango National Park; the Plantations and the Safari Park.The  scenic but winding Jakarta-Bogor-Puncak road was once the only route to Bandung before the Cipularang toll road was opened which cut travelling time between the two cities to a mere two hours from the former 4 to 5 hours over the climbing and turning mountain roads.

Bandung is the capital of West Java. It is a tourist city, so it is easy to find anything you want, from Trans Studio indoor amusement park to factory outlet every 5 steps you walk by. From fancy old style foods to the fodd festival in Braga (every Saturday night). from youth communities all over city to city scams. Just remember not to come in high season or holiday, because the road will be crowded and traffic jam everywhere.

Natural scenery in the valley of Lembang is very beautiful. There are several natural traveling destinations in Lembang, especially those that rely on the mountain scenery and abundant natural wealth. Some objects of nature tourism in Lembang, among others are Curug omas, which has a source of hot water and contains minerals, there are also waterfalls Ciomas-high 25 yards; Mount Tangkuban Perahu, the one which is famous because of a legend story named Sangkuriang; Cikole Camp, to see tea garden; and floating market.

Nevertheless, the These areas remains a favorite destination to spend the weekend or even for just a few hours. Over the years, however, either side of the main road has, unfortunately, become overcrowded with settlements, blocking the views from the car. Therefore, to truly enjoy the beautiful countryside one has to turn into a side road, visit a resort, a hotel or restaurant to view the full glory of the grand scene that will suddenly unveil before you.

Kawah Putih

Kawah Putih (English: White Crater) is a striking crater lake and tourist spot in a volcanic crater about 50  m south of Bandung in West Java in Indonesia, created as the Patuha Mount errupted. The soil is white with high contain of sulfur. The water is white-green, changing the color with the change of sulfur concentration and the sky color.

Observatorium Boscha

Bosscha observatory is a research institute with spesific programs. Equipped with various support facilities, this observatory is a research and development center for astronomy in Indonesia. It was called Bosscha Sterrenwatch , and was made by Nederlandsch-Indische Sterrenkundige Vereeniging (NISV). The location is in Lembang, West Java. Bosscha is a landowner of tea field in Malabar, Karel Albert Rudolf Bosscha, as a tribute for his effort to gain sponsor for the observatorium. For personal/family purpose, the observatorium only open in Saturday.


The remnants of Cirebon sultanate; Kasepuhan, Kanoman, Kaprabonan, and Kacirebonan kratons are now run as cultural institution to preserve Cirebon culture. Each still held their traditional ceremonies and become the patrons of Cirebon arts. Some of royal symbols of Cirebon Sultanate describe their legacy and influences. The banner of Cirebon Sultanate is called "Macan Ali" (Ali's panther) with Arabic calligraphy arranged to resemble a panther or tiger, describe both Islamic influence and also Hindu Pajajaran Sundanese King Siliwangi tiger banner. Although did not held real political power anymore, the royal lineage of Cirebon still well respected and held in high prestige among the people of Cirebon.

The royal carriage of Kasepuhan's Singa Barong and Kanoman's Paksi Naga Liman carriage resemble the chimera of three animals; eagle, elephant, and dragon, to symbolyze Indian Hinduism, Arabic Islam, and Chinese influences. The images of Macan Ali, Singa Barong and Paksi Naga Liman also often featured as pattern in Cirebon batik.


Wayang Golek

Wayang golek are wooden doll puppets that are operated from below by rods connected to the hands and a central control rod that runs through the body to the head. The simple construction of the puppets belies their versatility, expressiveness and aptitude for imitating human dance. Today, wayang golek is mainly associated with Sundanese culture of West Java.

It is incomplete to speak about Wayang Golek without Cepot. Cepot or Astrajingga is one of the Wayang Golek characters in Sundanese puppetry. Cepot is a panakawan character of wayang golek alongside Petruk and Dawala, which do not exist in the original Mahabarata or Ramayana. Cepot is one of Semar's sons. Cepot is as rural character from the fictional desa (sundanese language for village) Tumaritis, there he lived with his father Semar and two of his brothers, Petruk and Dawala. Cepot is humorous and easy going, everything Cepot says tends to be funny, and Cepot's act is full of slapstick jokes, mostly done together with its antagonist wayang golek character. Cepot in wayang golek puppetry also has other, good looking faces: Astrajingga, described with its straight, humble, good looking and white face. Cepot is the favourite character of Sundanese Indonesian wayang golek maestro Asep Sunandar Sunarya

More about wayang, click HERE

Ketuk Tilu Dance

Tap Tilu is a forerunner of social dances Jaipongan from West Java and entertainment at the same time which is usually held on the wedding ceremony, entertainment or activities cover held specifically in a place that is quite extensive.The term is taken from the tap tilu accompanying instrument, which is 3 pieces of tap (bonang) which give rhythm patterns fiddle, percussion (drum) ovary (large) and kulanter (small) to regulate the dynamics of dance / drum which accompanied manacle and goong. Previously, tap tilu is the rice harvest ceremony welcoming feeling thanks to Dewi Sri. The ceremony is conducted at night, with a girl paraded accompanied noises stopped at large. Now, tilu tap into social dances and entertainment, usually held at the feast, entertainment cover an activity, or held on special occasions. In certain villages, tap dance all night tilu often done too late. Costumes worn women tap dancers tilu is kebaya, sinjang (trousers) belt, and a variety of accessories, such as bracelets and necklaces. As for the male dancers, dressed in dark colors shucks, pangsi pants, headband, and a leather belt.

Jaipongan Dance

Jaipongan, also known as jaipong, is a musical performance genre of the Sundanese people in the Sundanese language of West Java, Indonesia. Jaipongan includes revived indigenous arts, like gamelan, but it also did not ignore Western music completely despite the ban on rock and roll. It used its sensuality and the sensuality found in a traditional village music and dance, ketuk tilu. However, many believe it is something purely Indonesian or Sundanese in origin and style. It is developed predominately from rural folk forms and traditions as a purely indigenous form. The rise of cassettes and films has led to the popularity of the musical form of jaipongan. It has spread from its home in West Java’s Sunda, to greater Java and Indonesia. It can be seen as many regional varieties of gong-chime performance found through much of Indonesia. As also an urban dance form, it is based primarily on the village forms of ketuk tilu and on the Indonesian martial arts, pencak silat. The musical genre is largely influenced from ketuk tilu with traces of the masked theater dance, topeng banjet and the wayang golek puppet theater. Ketuk tilu is its biggest influence, as a traditional Sudanese musical entertainment form.

Cirebon Mask Dance

Cirebon mask dance or tari topeng Cirebon is a local indigenous art form of Cirebon in Java, including Indramayu and Jatibarang, West Java and Brebes, Central Java. It is called mask dance because the dancers use masks when dancing. There is a lot of variety in Javanese mask dance, both in terms of the dance style and the stories to be conveyed. Sometimes the mask dance can be performed by solo dancers, or it can also be performed by several people.
Graceful hand and body movements, and musical accompaniment dominated by drums and fiddle, are hallmarks of Javanese mask dance. The dance is performed on special occasions for local officials, or for other traditional celebrations. Topeng Klana Kencana Wungu is Cirebon mask dance in Parahyangan mask style, depicted the story of Queen Kencana Wungu of Majapahit being chased by the grotesque and rough King Minak Jingga of Blambangan. The Sundanese Topeng Kandaga dance is similar and influenced by Cirebon topeng, where the dancer wearing red mask and costumes.


Angklung is a musical instrument made of two bamboo tubes attached to a bamboo frame. The tubes are carved to have a resonant pitch when struck and are tuned to octaves. The base of the frame is held in one hand, whilst the other hand strikes the instrument. This causes a repeating note to sound. Each of three or more performers in an angklung ensemble play just one note or more, but altogether complete melodies are produced. The angklung is popular throughout Southeast Asia, but it originated in what is now Indonesia and has been played by the Sundanese for many centuries.

Sundanese (most people living in West Java are Sundanese) has tempting refreshments. Sundanese food tends to be bland yet tasty unless you add sambal dadak (chili and other ingredients grinded together) to your food. If you're looking for more spicy taste, just add this sambal dadak with nasi timbel (steamed rice formed into a roll inside a banana leaf) and other specialties. This mouthwatering treat is too good to be missed! Usually sour vegetables soup (sayur asam) is accompanied by nasi timbel. Sundanese people eat vegetables a lot. Sometimes they even eat raw vegetables (called lalap or lalapan) like cucumbers, tomatoes, coriander leaves, eggplants, cabbages, lettuces,and so on. Lalapan is usually accompanied by sambal dadak. Nasi timbel is a favorite among locals and visitors. Batagor baso tahu goreng (literally means, fried meatballs & tofu) is one of the most well-sought specialty. Made from blended fish and beancurd, with a special peanut sauce, batagor?s popularity remains constant. Bandung also offers various milk products most notably, yoghurt. Basically there are two kinds of yoghurt in Bandung the thin one, and the thick one (French style). Hot snacks ala Bandung are widely sold throughout the city. Among them are gehu-toge tahu- (beancurd with beansprouts and vegetables filling), pisang goreng (fried banana), cireng-aci goreng- (fried tapioca), and many more. You might be interested in trying other snacks such as, nangka goreng (fried jackfruit), peuyeum goreng (fermented cassava, fried), nanas goreng (fried pineapple), and so on. Ketan bakar (roasted sticky rice) and jagung bakar/rebus (roasted/boiled corns) are also recommended.


This is a traditional food, may have unfamiliar taste to you. Try first before you consider buying a lot. Peuyeum is a food made from cassava. Cassava fermented with yeast. How to make it very simple, namely: cassava is peeled washed and then steamed until cooked. Cassava should be steamed and then sprinkled with yeast and wait a few days. So when the fermented cassava has been called by peuyeum This food is the authentic food of western Indonesia, permanent from West Java city of Bandung name. Specifically, Peuyeum is made from a whole cassava without being cut into pieces like other types of tape in other places. The fermentation process is occurred while Peuyeum is hanging on the ceilings. There are two types of cassavas that most Peuyeum makers use: the mentega cassava and manggis cassava. Those two types of cassava have its own pro and con. Mentega cassava is more delicious than the manggis one, but it doesn’t last longer compared to the manggis cassava. Manggis cassava keeps its true taste longer even though it is not as delicious as mentega cassava. When you are interested in buying Peuyeum, it is suggested for you not to be so in rush, especially when you see many sellers along the sidewalks. You need to concern several things like the hygiene of the places or the sellers and the quality of Peuyeum you can check directly. Pick the one that appears more yellow than the others and little bit flabby, but if you plan to keep it for awhile before you consume it you can pick the one that is not too flabby.

Cilembu Sweet Potato

Cilembu sweet potato is a sweet potato which has been stored for 5-7 days after harvested. The characteristic of processed cilembu sweet potato in-oven is that it feels more limp (not stiff) when in crooked-bent , shrink wieght as well as slightly wrinkles skin. Cilembu sweet potato is commonly processed by in-oven for approximately 30-90 minutes (depending on the size of the sweet potato), until it become soft and pulled out with a sweet and sticky liquid sugar of honey. There is honey liquid only found on Cilembu sweet potato. This is what became cilembu sweet potato idiosyncrasy compared with the other sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes is very sweet and fluffier, different with ordinary sweet potatoes. Therefore, Cilembu sweet potato also called Honey sweet potatoes. After being in-oven sweet potato will hold up to 2-3 days on normal temperatures. For more durability, it can be stored into the refrigerators and re-warmed for further consumable. It is not suitable to be fried, because the high sugar content makes this sweet potato very easy to become “sandbar”. It is also not suitable for boil, because the aroma of the "honey" will diminish, or even disappear. In general, Cilembu sweet potato products are traded in the form of roasted sweet potatoes besides processed in the form of chips, tape, lunkhead, keremes, jams, sauces, flour, various cakes, noodles, and syrup.

Combro, Misro and Bala-Bala

Fried snacks are familiar to the tongue all the citizens of Bandung. For example, fried bananas, fried tempeh and sweet potato fries. Well, there is no such thing as popular as “comro”, “misro” and “bala-bala”since Bandung was the origin of these fried snacks. And 3 fried snacks, is now known to everyone, maybe all the people of Indonesia. “Comro” (often called “combro”), an abbreviation of “oncom dijero” (Sundanese), which means: oncom therein. It is made of cassava, with combro in the middle, then it is fried. Oncom needs fermentation, so it will be a little bitter (as the bitter you’ll find in alcohol, but just very small). “Misro”, an abbreviation of: “amis dijero” (Sundanese), which means: sweet in it (because there is liquid palm sugar in it). While “bala-bala”, is not the abbreviation. It’s a snack, that the term taken from Sundanese, which is “bala”, which means “scattered”. What is scattered? the carrots and cabbage, mixed, seem scattered and irregular, then fried with mixture dough.

Dodol Garut

Made from the mixture of sticky rice and sugar, this traditional cake is well known for its special taste which is different from other similar cake from other region. No wonder if Garut is also named “the city of Dodol”. Now to respond the change of customers’ taste, the customers will experience new special flavors like strawberry, ginger plus honey, durian, cocopandan, chocolate, and sesame flavors.


Batagor (abbreviation from: Bakso Tahu Goreng, "fried bakso and tofu") is Sundanese Indonesian fried fish dumplings served with peanut sauce. It is traditionally made from tenggiri (wahoo) fish meat. Sometimes other types of seafood such as tuna, mackerel, and prawn also can be used to make batagor. Just like siomay, other complements to batagor are steamed cabbage, potatoes, bitter gourd and tofu. Batagor is cut into bite size pieces and topped with peanut sauce, sweet soy sauce, chili sauce and a dash of lime juice. Because being fried, batagor have crispy and crunchy texture. Since the serving method is identical, today batagor and siomay often sold under one vendor, with batagor offered as variation or addition to siomay. Yes, Batagor is influenced by Chinese Indonesian cuisine and derived from siomay, with the difference instead of being steamed, batagor is considered as fried type of siomay.


Serabi, or surabi is an Indonesian pancake that is made from rice flour with coconut milk or just plain shredded coconut as an emulsifier. Most of traditional serabi tastes sweet, as the pancake usually eaten with kinca or thick golden-brownish colored coconut sugar syrup. However another savoury version also existed that uses oncom toppings. Surabi is cooked in a specific clay oven where every little pancake is placed in a steaming hot gap until cooked. The toppings are cooked on top of the pancake so they blend in with the mixture and the chocolate or cheese melts. The taste is somewhat similar to pancakes but it's these toppings that make the difference.

Sate Maranggi

Sate Maranggi is made from cow or goat meat; i.e. beef or mutton. The harmony flavors in the seasoning make this sate become special; sweet from the sweet soy sauce (kecap manis) and palm sugar/coconut sugar (gula jawa) combine with sour taste from asam jawa (tamarind). Serving with the Sauce which is another beautiful combination between sweet soy sauce and vinegar, mix with chopped tangy shallots, spicy green chili and juicy tomato.

Lotek and Karedok

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